Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Eight Republicans Votes Yes on HR 2454 "Cap & Trade" Bill
The following is a list of Republican Representatives that voted YES on
HR 2454 the Cap & Trade bill!
HR 2454 the Cap & Trade bill!
The republicans that voted yes and their contact info:
Bono, CA (202) 225-5330 Website: www.bono.house.gov
Castle, DE (202) 225-4165 Website: www.castle.house.gov
Kirk, IL (202) 225-4385 Website: www.house.gov/kirk
LoBiondo, NJ (202) 225-6572 Website: www.house.gov/lobiondo
Lance, NJ (202) 225-5361 Website: www.lance.house.gov
McHugh, NY (202) 225-4611 Website: www.mchugh.house.gov
Reichert, WA (202) 225-7761 Website: www.reichert.house.gov
Smith, NJ (202) 225-3765 Website: www.chrissmith.house.gov
We urge everyone one of you to call or go to their websites and let them know how you feel about their vote.