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Friday, December 18, 2009


Bumper-Stickers seen on Military Bases...

Subject: Don't ya' just love these guys?

Bumper-Stickers seen on Military Bases...

"Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism....WAR has Never Solved Anything."

" U.S. Marines....Certified Counselors to the 72 Virgins Dating Club."

" U.S. Marines....Travel Agents To Allah"...."Stop Global Whining"

"When In Doubt....Empty The Magazine"

"Naval Corollary: Dead Men Don't Testify"

"The Marine Corps....When it Absolutely, Positively has to be Destroyed Overnight"

"Death Smiles at Everyone....Marines Smile Back"

"Marine Sniper....You can run but you'll just die tired!"

"What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist?....A Little Recoil"

"Marines....Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity to Die for their Country Since 1775"

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"

"Happiness Is a Belt-Fed Weapon"

"It's God's Job to Forgive Bin Laden....It's Our Job to Arrange the Meeting"

"Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise be just a Vulgar Brawl"

"One Shot, Twelve Kills.... U.S. Naval Gun Fire Support"

"My Kid Fought in Iraq ...So Your Kid Can Party in College"

"Machine Gunners....Accuracy by Volume"

"A Dead Enemy is a Peaceful Enemy....Blessed be the Peacemakers"

"If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher....If You Can Read it in English, Thank a Veteran"

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world .
..but the Marines don't have that problem!" ....Ronald Reagan

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